Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This post is BP2_eduslide

Well there has been an interesting turn of events recently. It seems I have lost access to my one and only classroom. The Academy is no longer available to me. Insert concerned sighs here please. Oh, don't you worry, I'll figure something out. I watched an episode of MacGyver once.

The new plan goes something like this: I start a new school here in Florida to teach basic through advanced flight training to government and law enforcement agencies. I will go through all the concepts of unmanned aircraft with them. Sound fun? Well, you're right...it's crazy fun. And cool too.....my mom told me so.

So in my Web 2.0 search, I found a site that I think will really help me out. I am really impressed with the Wimba classroom and would like to emulate it if I can. Eduslide.com seems to be a pretty close replication of Wimba. It will allow me to interact with students from a distance, which I think will be a huge benefit.

We learned about how much learning can be increased by simple providing the students with information before the actual class. I really want to try this. The plan would be to have the first class through eduslide.com before they even arrived in Florida. Hopefully, I will be able to cover the basic concepts of flight with them through the site, and when they arrive they will be more familiar and receptive to the lessons.

If you want to check it out, here is the link: http://www.eduslide.com/features.php


  1. I agree with you, Wimba is a cool way to interact with students. I really like your idea of using eduslide as a basic introduction. This is one that I will have to look into because I am interested in some online teaching in the future.

  2. Sorry to hear the Academy is no longer open to you but it sounds like you have some really cool (and big) ideas! I've long thought about doing some online photo classes and Eduslide is a great tool. I'll have to keep this in mind for my future work. Thanks!

  3. Well the Academy's loss I say! I can't wait to see and hear about all the amazing things you do on your own, it sounds like you have a great plan. Eduslide seems like a really great tool - thanks for showing and explaining it.
