Sunday, July 31, 2011

BP9_Links to Comments

I'm posting this to show a couple great examples of RILS projects. Take a few minutes and I promise you won't be disappointed!

Link to my comments on Greg's post:
Link to my Comments

Link to my comments on Jess' post:
Link to my comments

1 comment:

  1. Chris, I am so glad you asked me those questions. I am sorry you have met up with christians that have left you unsatisfied with there answers. I love to discuss why I believe.
    First of all I am a finite being. I have a beginning, and an end. My days are numbered so to speak. Being human I also have a very finite understanding of universe in which I live. I am forced to make choices in what I believe and what I need to further consider. I may agree with you that the ideas put forth about the christian story sounds absolutely absurd at its face. However, In my case it is the absolute overwhelming preponderance of evidence that allows me to put my faith in who Jesus is, while also allowing me to trust what he said.
    The entire Bible is written to display the relationship between God and Man. I have to admit that it absolutely hits the nail on the head when it describes who I am. Also, the bible describes God as a being that is really unknowable. Think about it, the Bible says that God created the Heavens and the Earth, that He has no beginning and no end. He has been around for it all, and has seen everything. I think that is pretty big, and completely unknowable.
    You asked me if there was anything that I could be presented with that would force me to say "oops I was wrong all along". I would have to say sure, If you could produce the evidence that God Doesn't exist, that he didn't write the history of mankind in advance as found in the bible, and it didn't happen just the way he said it would, the second law of thermo-dynamics doesn't really exist, Jewish people aren't real. You can prove that secular historians, who wrote about Jesus and the miracles he performed, were just kidding.

    You see Chris it is like this. At the end of the day I have to make a choice. I have to roll the dice. In fact we all do. Am I going to believe what science tells me, or am I going to believe what the Bible tells me? I have to weigh the evidence. Then I have to make a choice, or as I see it a leap of Faith.
    If I am wrong, well then I have to figure you and I will end up at about the same place. However, If Jesus was right, then that is a whole other matter to consider. I choose Jesus.

    Oh, and one more thing to consider, Science tells us that speed of light is about 300,000,000 miles / second. So, when the bible says let there be light, I bet that was a pretty Big Bang.
