Friday, July 22, 2011


Greetings Chris' blog watchers! Or as I like to call you "chrblochers". Hey, the media doesn't get to monopolize crazy condensed names...I'm looking at you "Brangelina".

So I am posting about a great Web 2.0 tool called "Mindmeister". I know needs are different, but for my needs, this couldn't be better suited. I love it. And to be honest, I think my enthusiasm for it is selling a few of my audience members. Joy.

The program is perfect for brainstorming. I don't want to limit its capabilities in anyway though, so I'd also like to mention it's great for day to day tasks, project management, and general organization. Let me give you a quick run down on just a few of the goodies.

You start off essentially with one bubble or "base thought". For example, I might have a main thought called "philosophy". From there, I click on the add button. This creates and arm off of the original bubble with a sub-topic. Let's call this one "Western Philosophy". Click add again, and you can create another arm with a bubble. This one we will call, "Eastern Philosophy".

From there, it is very intuitive. You can continue to add to the tree be click and deleting as required. In addition, you can put in links, documents, pictures...anything you need to explain different schools of thought in philosophy. Of course it can be on any topic you wish. Within a few minutes, I've created an example and shared it out to a co-worker. Here's a pic...

I've added several branches and even a photo in a matter of minutes. I can not stress enough how great this can be for brainstorming. I'm even using it to take notes in meeting now to improve organization. Win.

Stay tuned and I will post something a little more in depth soon. Until then, you can have a look at the software first hand at

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