Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My first blog...

So, who's ready for my first blog story? Here goes ready or not.

I was going back and forth about what to write about. I ended up writing about a variety of topics. That's kind of my personality I guess. I really love to learn about a variety of things. I love to listen to people's opinions. I love debate. I love trying to deeply understand logic and logical fallacies. So, I said as much. But then, I decided to press the wrong button....and poof; my whole page disappeared. So, that was my first shot at blogging. Let me say this web gods....vengeance shall be mine, oh yes, it shall be mine.

Well, now that I've gotten my threats out of the way, I can give this a second go. Hopefully it will make it to the web before disappearing into nebulous ether.

I've recently gone through a pretty rough spot. Lost a sister at thirteen which was very difficult for my parents. I've been with them the past few weeks. I've also found out I need to get my flight instructor rating for work and am starting helicopter lessons as well. On top of trying to get the masters program finished. AHHHH!!!! Must...not....explode.....

But in the end, it will all work out one way or another. In a thousand years, who's going to be worried about Chris' bad month? Not many I'd venture to guess. So it can't be that important. ;)

So come back if you'd like. I'll update this often so that you can follow my month to month existence. :)

Here's a quick pic I took of my father and I while I was visiting. More to follow!


  1. You are one busy man! Keep up the good work Chris. I like your blog. Very dynamic.

  2. Great Job on your blog!! Can't wait to see all your great posts!

  3. I agree with Cricket, a very nice blog. I'm so sorry about your sister. It sounds like things are a little crazy right now for you. I know it's not very helpful but you can really only take things one day at a time and lean on your support network when you need to.
